Tips to Make Period Come Faster – Boost Your Menstrual Cycle

Tips to Make Period Come Faster – Boost Your Menstrual Cycle

While periods are a part of a woman’s natural cycle, some might find it inconvenient or even distressing when it comes at an unwanted time or not at all. Luckily, there are some practical ways to get your period faster and regulate your menstrual cycle effectively. Here are 30+ tips to help you out.

1. Increase Your Water Intake

Drink More WaterSource:

Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins from your body and promote better blood circulation, which can help regulate your menstrual cycle. It is recommended to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to promote overall health and well-being.

2. Try Ginger

Ginger TeaSource:

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that can help relieve menstrual cramps and stimulate menstrual flow. You can add fresh ginger to your meals, make ginger tea, or take ginger supplements to reap its benefits.

3. Practice Yoga

Yoga PracticeSource:

Yoga can help reduce stress and increase blood circulation, which can stimulate your menstrual cycle. Certain yoga poses like the downward-facing dog, cobra, and butterfly pose can help relieve menstrual symptoms and promote hormonal balance.

4. Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture SessionSource:

Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that involves inserting thin needles into specific points of the body to stimulate healing and relieve pain. Some studies suggest that acupuncture can help regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate menstrual discomfort.

5. Take Vitamin C

Food Rich In Vitamin CSource:

Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting properties and its ability to increase estrogen levels in the body. You can take vitamin C supplements or eat foods rich in vitamin C like citrus fruits, strawberries, and broccoli to help regulate your menstrual cycle.

6. Try Castor Oil Packs

Castor OilSource:

Castor oil packs involve applying warm castor oil to the lower abdomen and covering it with a cloth or plastic wrap. The heat and pressure can help improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, which can stimulate menstruation and relieve menstrual cramps.

7. Drink Parsley Tea

Parsley TeaSource:

Parsley is a natural emmenagogue, which means that it can stimulate menstrual flow. You can make parsley tea by steeping fresh parsley in hot water, adding honey or lemon for flavor, and drinking it several times a day to promote menstruation.

8. Take Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose OilSource:

Evening primrose oil contains a fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid, which can help balance hormones and regulate menstrual cycles. You can take evening primrose oil supplements or use it topically to relieve menstrual symptoms.

9. Try Dong Quai

Dong QuaiSource:

Dong Quai is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat menstrual problems. It contains phytoestrogens, which can help regulate hormones and promote menstruation. You can take Dong Quai supplements or drink Dong Quai tea to see its effects.

10. Take Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6Source:

Vitamin B6 is essential for proper hormonal balance and can help regulate menstrual cycles. You can take B6 supplements or eat foods rich in B6 like chickpeas, bananas, and fish to see its benefits.

11. Use Heat Therapy

Heat TherapySource:

Heat therapy can help relieve menstrual cramps and stimulate menstruation by increasing blood flow to the uterus. You can use a heating pad, warm towel, or take a warm bath to get relief.

12. Try Black Cohosh

Black CohoshSource:

Black Cohosh is an herb that can help regulate hormonal imbalances and relieve menstrual symptoms like cramps and mood swings. You can take black cohosh supplements or add it to your meals to see its effects.

13. Use Natural Oils

Natural OilsSource:

Natural oils like olive oil, coconut oil, and sesame oil can be used for abdominal massages to help relieve menstrual pain and stimulate menstruation. You can heat the oil slightly and massage it on your lower abdomen in a circular motion for a few minutes.

14. Try Nettle Tea

Nettle TeaSource:

Nettle tea is rich in iron and other nutrients that can promote better blood circulation and regulate menstrual cycles. You can drink nettle tea 2-3 times a day to see its benefits.

15. Use Essential Oils

Essential OilsSource:

Essential oils like Clary sage, Lavender, and Rose can be used to relieve menstrual symptoms and stimulate menstruation. You can add a few drops of essential oils to your bathwater or use them in a diffuser to inhale the aroma.

16. Keep a Healthy Diet

Healthy DietSource:

Eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in nutrients like iron, calcium, and vitamins can help regulate menstrual cycles and promote overall health. Make sure to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your meals.

17. Try Fennel Seeds

Fennel SeedsSource:

Fennel seeds are a natural emmenagogue and can help stimulate menstrual flow. You can add fennel seeds to your meals or chew them raw to see its effects.

18. Take Rhodiola


Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that can help reduce stress and promote hormonal balance. You can take Rhodiola supplements or drink Rhodiola tea to see its effects.

19. Try Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red Raspberry Leaf TeaSource:

Red Raspberry Leaf tea is known for its ability to stimulate menstrual flow and relieve menstrual symptoms. You can drink it 2-3 times a day to see its benefits.

20. Try Blue Cohosh

Blue CohoshSource:

Blue Cohosh is an herb that can help regulate menstrual cycles, relieve menstrual cramps, and stimulate menstruation. You can take Blue Cohosh supplements or drink Blue Cohosh tea to see its effects.

21. Use Chamomile


Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help relieve menstrual pain and stimulate menstruation. You can drink chamomile tea or use chamomile essential oil to see its effects.

22. Try Cinnamon


Cinnamon can help regulate menstrual cycles and stimulate menstruation. You can add cinnamon to your meals or drink cinnamon tea to see its effects.

23. Use Probiotics


Probiotics can help balance gut bacteria and promote hormonal balance, which can help regulate menstrual cycles. You can take probiotic supplements or eat foods rich in probiotics like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut.

24. Try Angelica Root

Angelica RootSource:

Angelica root is an herb that can help relieve menstrual cramps, stimulate menstruation, and regulate menstrual cycles. You can take Angelica root supplements or drink Angelica root tea to see its effects.

25. Use Mugwort


Mugwort is an herb that can help stimulate menstruation and relieve menstrual cramps. You can take Mugwort supplements or use Mugwort oil for abdominal massage to see its effects.

26. Try Dong Quai and Black Cohosh Combination

Dong Quai And Black Cohosh CombinationSource:

The combination of Dong Quai and Black Cohosh can help regulate hormonal imbalances, relieve menstrual symptoms, and promote overall menstrual health. You can take supplements or drink tea containing both herbs to see its effects.

27. Use Aloe Vera

Aloe VeraSource:

Aloe Vera is a natural emmenagogue and can help stimulate menstrual flow. You can drink aloe vera juice or use aloe vera gel for abdominal massage to see its effects.

28. Try Wild Yam

Wild YamSource:

Wild Yam is an herb that can help regulate hormonal imbalances, relieve menstrual symptoms, and promote menstrual flow. You can take wild yam supplements or drink wild yam tea to see its effects.

29. Exercise Regularly

Exercise RegularlySource:

Exercise can help regulate hormones, promote blood circulation, and reduce stress, which can all contribute to regular menstrual cycles. Make sure to engage in moderate physical activity like jogging, yoga, or cycling for at least 30 minutes a day.

30. Get Proper Sleep

Get Proper SleepSource:

Sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, including menstrual health. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night to promote hormonal balance and regulate menstrual cycles.


These 30+ tips and natural remedies can help you regulate your menstrual cycle, relieve menstrual discomfort, and stimulate menstruation quickly and safely. However, it’s important to consult your doctor before trying any new treatment or remedy, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

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